



ALAN'S RAILPICS Collection of some of the best of my railway photos over 30 years.
ALAN'S WEB PHOTOGRAPHS - variety of "Prize Pics", Train Pics. etc. autlevest2.jpg
ALAN NEWBLE'S PHOTO GALLERY The main site for my non-railway photos, with "send-a-postcard" facility. Categories include landscape, close-up, Scotland etc.
TALYLLYN PHOTO GALLERY All about the Talyllyn Railway, a former slate line in Mid-Wales. Now a major tourist attraction, running 7.75 miles into the Welsh hills
ASHFORD SITE This is the website for the Ashford Group of the Kent & East Sussex Railway.
Photos of Ashford station as well as steam on the K&ESR
AN ENGLISHMAN'S HOLLAND - and its Railways Also pictures of the land of the Dutch and its wonderful landscapes.
MORE EUROPEAN STEAM This site carries European Steam - German, French, Polish, Russian - all steam!
SCOTLAND - THE GALLERY - Superb landscapes of wonderful scenery corpacht
ALAN'S LAKES PAGES This is about the English Lake District - loads of lovely mouth-watering images of lakes and mountains. lrosthwaite2
IRELAND PHOTO GALLERY This little photo gallery of a visit to Ireland in the 70s may be just what you need...Wind down, and enjoy!
HARZ MOUNTAINS RAILWAY The famous narrow-gauge system in Germany - nearly all steam. Mountains here, too and mighty 2-10-0s for you sound freaks! 2000at
POLAND - AND ITS RAILWAYS Poland still has some steam on its rail network, and a visit in 1992 gave some good pics. Links to other sites, too. OL22_31t.jpg
ALAN'S UK DIESELS - All the classes from the 20's to the 92's 33hoo2t.jpg
ALAN'S PHOTO RESOURCE SITE if you didn't come from there, here is the top level. autumntwigt

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