Glenmalure Barracks, County Wicklow, Ireland, in October, 1820. His father was
a Captain in the Highlanders Regiment, and had served in Ireland during
the Rebellion. His mother was a daughter of Lady Weldon, and of a family long
settled in Ireland.
At the age of eighteen the young man experienced a
spiritual awakening through letters received from his sister after her
conversion, and obtained peace through the perusal of J. N. Darbys
"Operations of the Spirit," being specially helped by words to the effect that
"it is Christs workfor us, not His work in us, that gives peace."
Entering a business house in Limerick, the young Christian "gave attention to
reading," and diligently applied his mind to various studies.
In 1844
(at 24) he opened a school at Westport, throwing himself with much enthusiasm
into educational work. His spiritual attitude at this time may be inferred from
the fact that he aimed at keeping Christ enshrined in the citadel of his life,
and making Christs work his chief concern.
At length, in 1853, he
feared that his school was becoming his primary interest, and accordingly he
gave it up. n the meantime his pen had been busy with expository notes on the
books of the Pentateuch. At intervals during. the past forty years the volumes
of "Notes by C. H. M." have: been issued, one each upon Genesis, Exodus,
Leviticus, and Numbers, and two upon Deuteronomy. These works, which. are
characterised by a deep.toned evangelical spirit, have been published in
successive and large editions, and the Preface was signed by his friend Andrew
Miller, who correctly says of the teaching: "Mans complete ruin in sin,
and Gods perfect remedy in Christ, are fully, clearly, and often
strikingly presented." It is said by Miller's biographer that Miller financed
these "Notes".
As an expositor, "C. H. M." had a perspicuous style, and
presented his views with much strength. Some of his deductions were of a type
which the generality of believers would regard as peculiar; but for loyalty to
Gods Word, and unswerving trust in Christ, no writings could be more
stimulating. His contempt for sceptical unbelief in all its lights and shades.
was expressed as follows in his "Notes on Deuteronomy":
"Nothing can be
more miserably contemptible than the books which infidels write against the
Bible. Every page, every paragraph, every sentence only goes to illustrate the
truth of the apostles statement that "The natural man receiveth not the
things of the Spirit of God; neither can he know them, because they are
spiritually discerned." Their gross ignorance of the subject with which they
undertake to deal is only equalled by their self-confidence. Of their
irreverence we say nothing; for who would think of looking for reverence in the
writings of infidels? We might perhaps look for a little modesty, were it not
that we are fully aware of the bitter animus which lies at the root of all such
writings, and renders them utterly unworthy of a moments consideration.
Other books may have a dispassionate examination; but the precious Book of
God is approached with the foregone conclusion that it is not a Divine
revelation, because, forsooth, infidels tell us that God could not give us a
written revelation of His mind. How strange! Men can give us a revelation of
their thoughts, and infidels have done so pretty plainly; but God cannot. What
folly! What presumption! Why, we may lawfully inquire, could not God reveal His
mind to His creatures? Why should it be thought a thing incredible? For no
reason whatever, hut because infidels would have it so. The wish is, in this
case assuredly, father to the thought. The question raised by the old serpent,
in the garden of Eden, nearly six thousand years ago, has been passed on from
age to age by all sorts of sceptics, rationalists, and infidels, namely,
Hath God said? We reply, with intense delight, Yes; blessed be His
holy name, He has spoken - spoken to us. He has revealed His mind; He has given
us the Holy Scriptures. "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God: and is
profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in
righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto
all good works."
And again, "Whatsoever things were written aforetime were
written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the
Scriptures might have hope" (1 Tim. 3, :16, Rom, i:5.4). The Lord be praised
for such words! They assure us that all Scripture is given of God, and that all
Scripture is given to us. Precious link between the soul and God! What tongue
can tell the value of such a link? God has spoken - spoken to us. His Word is a
rock against which all the waves of infidel thought dash themselves in
conlemptible impotency, leaving it in its own divine strength and eternal
Nothing can touch the Word of God. Not all the powers of
earth and hell, men and devils combined, can ever move the Word of God. There
it stands, in its own moral glory, spite of all the assaults of the enemy, from
age to age. For ever, 0 Lord, Thy Word is settled in heaven."
After ceasing scholastic work, "C. H. M." went to Dublin,. where he
began speaking in public. For many years he boldly stood forth in defence of
the Gospel, and to proclaim the truth,. and God owned his labours in a
remarkable degree. When. the Revival swept over Ireland in 1859-60, he was very
active, and some account of his labours may be found in the early volumes of "
Things New and Old."
He was a man of great faith, and was ever ready to
testify that though God had often tried Him he had never allowed him to suffer
want in the matter of lifes necessities while engaged in Gospel work and
Without material employment. During the last four years of his life he resided
at Cheltenham, and when unable, through the weakness of advancing years, to do
much on the platform, he still continued to write. His last series of tractates
was entitled "Handfuls of Pasture." As long as possible he followed his
much-loved work of visiting the sick and solitary of the household of faith;
but his wife having died a year or two ago, there came a time when other
disciples visited him in sickness and solitude, As the months went by he sent
forth his "Handfuls," and circulated his booklets among friends and
The influence of his writings cannot be estimated. He
was continually receiving letters from all parts of the world acknowledging the
satisfying character of his teaching on the books of Moses. His first tract in
1843 was on "The Peace of God." When he despatched a manuscript to his
publisher on "The God of Peace," his hand was stayed, and a few months later
1896 he entered into rest.
His "Miscellaneous Writings have been
bound up in six volumes, corresponding with his expositions. He peacefully fell
asleep on 2nd November, 1896, and four days later devout men carried him to his
burial in Cheltenham Cemetery. His remains were laid by the side of those of
his loved wife, and in the presence of a company gathered from many quarters.
Dr. Wolston, of Edinburgh, discoursed on the burial of Abraham, from Genesis
25. 8-10 and Hebrews 8. 10. Before dispersing, the company sang J. N.
Darbys beautiful hymn: "0 bright and blessed scenes, Where sin can never
come; Whose sight our longing spirit weans From earth where yet we roam."