

Noted Biblical writers on dispensational lines - mostly of those known to the world as "Plymouth Brethren" and some others, persuaded that the theology they use is scriptural, including God's plan for Israel, and a credible scenario for all prophecy given by Scripture - it is to be taken literally wherever this is possible.

In 1827, or thereabouts, a small group of Christians met in Dublin, then part of the UK, in an attempt to return to New Testament simplicity. They took as their guide, not the creeds and religious traditions of the denominations around them, but rather by the Bible. Led by J.N.Darby, through many growing pains and some setbacks, the movement grew, and their spiritual example is alive and growing today. These Christians have been called by many names - Plymouth Brethren being sometimes used. But their true allegiance remains to the Lord Jesus Christ, and they seek happy fellowship with all Christian brethren who love the Lord and seek to follow His word and example. Below are some works of these brethren and others who also hold dispensational doctrine to be the only true way of interpreting Scripture.


Note by Webmaster
Suggestions, especially if accompanied by material, for improvements will be welcomed.
I have deliberately uploaded mostly only selections from the works noted.It is also becoming apparent that many apparently Christian sites steal whole websites of Christian works, and then solicit donations for their "work" They say "Freely have ye received, freely give" and are extemely cheeky and totally non-repentant when approached and asked for (at least) some acknowledgement of the source. So you will not find many whole works, here.


F.W.GRANT (1834 - 1902)
Foremost biblical writer, and expounder of the importance of numerals in scripture. Tens of books on all biblical subjects, including the Numerical Bible, unfortunately not complete, but in seven volumes.

anderson2.jpg SIR ROBERT ANDERSON (1841 - 1918)
Not of the brethren but his books are on all their bookshelves. As Chief of Scotland Yard in London, he used his gifts for ferretting out evidence to work out the authenticity of the Book of Daniel, and has made notable contributions to all areas of biblical understanding.

newberry2.jpg THOMAS NEWBERRY (1811 - 1901)
Editor of the "Newberry Bible" and expert on Hebrew and Greek, he has written many books on the Tabernacle, Temple and offerings and the typology of them, plus a little gem about the book of Revelation.

jennings2.jpg F.C.JENNINGS (1847 - 1948)
Friend of Grant, and Gaebelein, and author of the best commmentary on Isaiah, and others, including Ecclesiastes, World Conflict and Seven Letters.


SAMUEL RIDOUT (1855 - 1930?)
Much loved brother of Plainfields, where Grant hailed from. Many works, including the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit, and a well-known volume on Assembly Order.

gaebelein2.jpg A.C.GAEBELEIN (1861 - 1945)
Leader on biblical prophecy, consulted by Scofield for his Reference Bible, and author of many books including an amazingly insightful Concise Commentary.

darby2.jpg JOHN NELSON DARBY (1800-1882 A.D.)
Generally attributed with the honour of starting the Revival that became known as the Plymouth Brethren movement. Major and respected translation of the A.V. from the German and French in which he was fluent. Foremost theologian of the brethren, his works are respected almost everywhere.

ha-ironside2.jpg H.A.IRONSIDE (1876 - 1951)
Great gift for expounding difficult passages of scripture in understandable language. Over-use of illustrations makes him easy for learners, a little frustrating for others.

kelly2.jpg WILLIAM KELLY (1821-1906 A.D.)
Prolific writer and friend of Darby. Has commentaries on most books of the Bible, and many more books of Lectures, and on subjects like the "spirits in prison". Spurgeon said he was "born for the universe...."

Scofield2.jpg C.I.SCOFIELD (1843 - 1921)
Not of the brethren, but his Reference Bible gave a new popularity to the Dispensational teaching that Darby revived, and has been the salvation of millions, and gave a new impetus to the bible understanding of your webmaster!

bullinger2.jpg E.W.BULLINGER (1837 - 1913)
Author of the Companion Bible, a Greek Lexicon and descendant of the famous Johann Bullinger of the Reformation, companion of Luther etc. An original thinker (anathama to some) and extremely helpful.

chafer2.jpg L.S.CHAFER (1871-1952)
Noted for his "Systematic Theology" and defence of dispensational teaching while remaining quite Calvinistic in his understanding of Divine Sovereignty and Election. A pupil of Scofield, he also founded a Seminary.

lang2.jpg G.H.LANG (1874 - 1958)
Writer noted for some original views, not, in the opinion of this writer, to be discarded, either. Has done memoir of A.N.Groves with early history of the Brethren, and revived manyof Pember's works. See also his revelations of the "Tongues" Movement.

bellett3.jpg J.G.BELLET (1795 - 1864)
R. Govett, a very good judge, who had read all the published writings of the leaders of the movement, gave as his opinion that Bellett was the most spiritual. His best known books are those on the "Patriarchs," the "Evangelists," the "Son of God," and the "Moral Glory of the Lord Jesus."

chm2.jpg "C.H.M."(1820-1906)
Known also as C.H.Macintosh. Irish brother, much known and admired for his insightful expositions of the Pentateuch, and many good books on difficult subjects - like evangelism.

miller2.jpg ANDREW MILLER (1810-1883)
Author of "Miller's Church History" A businessman, he was converted to the plain ways of the brethren while a voluntary pastor, and took his church with him! Supported and financed the "Notes" of C.H.M. on the Pentateuch.

stoney2.jpg J.B.STONEY (1814 - 1897)
Another of the original school, author of many books including a whole series of "Ministry" books which are very rewarding, even if quite hard work! Disagreed with C.E.Stuart over the "Reading" question.

stanley3.jpg CHARLES STANLEY (1821-1890)
Orphaned at 4 years old, he became an evangelist, preached his first sermon at 14, and became famous for his "C.S.Tracts" Read one here.

stuart2.jpg C.E.STUART (1828 - 1903)
Noted British "Exclusive" who seems to be famous for the "Reading" controversy and for being somewhat of a "hyper-Calvinist" His notes on the Text of the New Testament are to be recommmended, I'm told.

wigram3.jpg G.V.WIGRAM (1805-79)
Learned brother of the Hebrew and Greek Concordance, and a great admirer of Darby's ministry. Some of his work not easy to reproduce here, as it uses different alphabets, like Greek!

bland2.jpg F.C.BLAND (1826 - 1894)
Noted for his "Twenty One Prophetic Subjects" and known as "One Of The Ablest Ministers Of The Word which Ireland Has Supplied". Friendly connection with Sir Robert Anderson.

vine2.jpg W.E.VINE (1873 - 1949)
Another noted scholar who has given much to the cause of word study, and written many other able works, including some very able commentaries. Some written in collaboration with C.F.Hogg.

dennett2.jpg E. DENNETT (1831 - 1914)
A convert from the Salvation Army, you can read his story of how he joined the "Brethren" here, in his "The Step I Have Taken", and enjoy some more of his expositions, for e.g. on the Second Epistle to Timothy.

cac2.jpg C. A. COATES (1862-1945)
Noted "Exclusive" brother with a prolific output, mostly on Bible books. You can read here the complete Notes of a Bible Reading on the Lord's Supper, as well as samples of commentaries etc.

Author of "The Amazing Jew" and many other very good books, many for younger readers.

W. TROTTER (1818-65)
Noted for his "Plain Papers on Prophetic Subjects" and a preacher at 14!

Writer and Publisher with many useful books to his credit. Sought out by Billy Graham, who was much impressed by his books on the Foundations of Faith.

J.A.SEISS (1823 - 1904)
Noted author of the "Apocalypse" which is probably the most-quoted commentary on it. Lutheran and author of many other books including "The Gospel in the Stars".

Interested in a potted history of the so-called "Plymouth Brethren"? By Peter Blackwell.
For a brief account of "Brethren" practise. By Sunny Ezhumattoor
For a brilliant short article on accurate interpretation - see here.

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