

Noted biblical writers on dispensational lines - mostly of the persuasion known to the world as "Plymouth Brethren"


The Person and the Work of the Holy Spirit

By Samuel Ridout

I. The Holy Spirit in the Dispensations
A. First Mention - Genesis 1: 2
Last Mention - Revelations 22: 17

B. The Person of the Holy Spirit
1. Father, Son and Holy Spirit
2. Omnipresent - Always Present - Psalms139: 7, 8
3. Eternal Existence - Hebrews 9:14, Psalms 90 : 1, 2
4. Omniscience - All Knowing - I Corinthians 2: 10, 11.
5. Omnipotent - All Powerful - Job 33: 4

C. The Personality of the Holy Spirit
1. Cannot be lied to - Acts 5: 3, 4.
2. Gives Direction - Acts 13: 1, 2.
3. Grieved - Ephesians 4: 30
4. Quenched - I Thessalonians 5 : 19
5. Praying with - Jude 20

D. Dispensations - Past , Present and Future
1. The Spirit acting in preparation and anticipation of Christ
a. The Tabernacle Plan; Exodus 31: 2, 3.
b. Balaam’s curse: Numbers 24: 2.
c. Saul: Action: I Samuel 11: 6.
Inaction: I Samuel 19: 18 - 24
2. The Spirit, acting thru prophets, brought home the sin of the people and to point forward to the remedy - the coming and reign of Christ.
a. Samuel - The first Prophet: Acts 3: 24.
b. The grace that should come. I Peter 1: 10 - 12.
c. Daniel wanted to know the end times: Daniel 12 :8.
d. King and Priest: Zechariah 6: 13.
3. The Spirit acted in types of Christ.
a. The Breath of Life; Genesis 2: 7. John 20: 22.
b. The Dove in the Ark makes known the state outside of the ark: Genesis 8: 7 - 12.
c. The Shekinah Cloud: Exodus 13: 21.
d. The Oil for Light: Exodus 27: 20,21.

E. The Present (Christian) Dispensation
1. The Oil for Anointing: Acts 10:38, Leviticus 14: 14,15.
2. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
a. John The Baptist - Matthew 3: 11.
b. Pentecost - Acts 1 : 5. , Acts 2: 1 - 4.
c. One body, One Spirit - I Corinthians 12: 13.
3. The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit
a. Another Comforter
(1) Not given until Christ Glorified. - John 7: 39.
(2) The promise: John 14:15 - 21, John 14: 26, John 15: 26, John 16: 7 - 14.
b. The Body as the Temple of the Holy Spirit
(1) The individual - I Corinthians 6: 19, 20.
(2) The assembly - Ephesians 2 : 22

F. The Future Millennium
1. Joel 2 : 28 -32 quoted by Peter in Acts 2: 16 -18.
2. Elias is come - Luke 1: 17, Matthew 17: 10-12, 11 : 14.
3. New Life - Ezekiel 36: 25- 28.
4. National Restoration - Ezekiel 37: 9, 14.
5. Sanctuary Filled and Overflowing: Ezekiel 47 and Ezekiel 43: 2 - 5
6. The Land restored - Isaiah 32 : 15.

II. The Holy Spirit in Salvation (Conviction, Regeneration, Sealing, Assurance)
A. God is the Saviour of all men.
1. Father - gave Son in His grace and love, and chose us.
2. Son - Laid down His life, accomplishing a work which glorified the father and met our needs.
3. Spirit - by virtue of the work of regeneration, including the sealing and assurance of salvation.

B. Ineffectual Works of the Holy Spirit
1. Why can some work of the Spirit be called ineffectual?
a. It does not result in Salvation (2 Corinthians 2: 15,16 )
b. Four Phases of ineffectual work.
(1) From Adam to Noah: He is striving without result - Genesis 6 : 3
(2) Israel Resisted: Stephen’s appeal - Acts 7 : 51.
(3) Blasphemy against the Spirit: Matthew 12 : 31.
(4) Sin of Apostasy (Insulted): Hebrews 10 : 28, 29.

C. Effectual Works of the Holy Spirit
1. Conviction of sin, righteousness, and judgment- John 16 : 8 -11.
a. Sin - Acts 2 : 23
b. Righteousness - Acts 2 : 24, 33.
c. Judgment - Acts 2 : 19,20
2. Regeneration - “Born again”
a. Born of God - John 1 : 11 -13.
b. New Birth - John 3 : 3.
c. Water and Spirit - John 3 : 5.
d. By the Word of God - I Peter 1 :23.
e. Washing of water by the Word - Ephesians 5 : 25 ,26.
f. Sprinkle Clean water - Ezekiel 36 : 25.
g. Mystery - John 3 : 8.
h. Everlasting Life - John 3 : 16, 36.
i. Cannot Sin - 1 John 3 : 9.
j. Renewing of the Holy Spirit - Titus 3 : 5 - 7. Puts us in the place of heirship and justification.
k. Of His own will – James 1 : 18.
3. Sealing of the Spirit - Ephesians 1: 13, 14.
a. Comes with the Earnest (Inheritance) - 2 Corinthians 1 : 22.
b. Until the day of redemption - Ephesians 4 :30.
The Spirit can never be driven away.
c. Pledge of Eternal Life - 2 Corinthians 5 : 5
d. The First Fruits - Romans 8 : 23.
4. Assurance a. No Fear – Romans 8 : 15, 16.
b. We cry “Abba, Father” - Galatians 4 : 5.
c. We know what God giveth - 1 Corinthians 2 : 12.
d. It beareth witness - I John 5: 7 - 13.

III. The Holy Spirit in Sanctification
A. The Meaning of Sanctification in the Scriptures
1. Set apart and brought into God’s presence.
2. Through the offering of His body: Hebrews 10:10
a. Perfected Forever by one offering: Hebrews 10:14
b. By the Blood of Christ: Hebrews 9:13,14.
c. By the Spirit: 1 Peter 1:2, I Corinthians 6:9-11.
3. Progressive Sanctification
a. Christ Jesus is made wisdom to us. I Corinthians 1:30.
b. The Lord’s Prayer: Sanctify them through Thy truth. John17:17

B. The Indwelling of the Spirit
1. The Eternal Indwelling of the Spirit (Permanency)
a. The Spirit’s Indwelling in the type of the Glory Cloud filling the tabernacle: Exodus 29:42,43.
b. The Spirit’s indwelling promised to us: John 14:16,17.
c. The awesome presence of God dwelling in us. 2 Chronicles 5:14, 6:18.
2. The Practical Effect of the Indwelling of the Spirit (Enlightenment)
a. He Shall guide you into all truth: John 16:13,14.
b. The Spirit of man understands the Spirit of God and controls all of the rest of the body.
3. The Truth of God is embodied in His Word (Liberty).
a. The Spirit leads us into the practical enjoyment of our portion in Christ.
b. Joshua is the type of Christ in us by the Spirit leading the people into the Promised Land.
c. Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32.
d. The Law of the Spirit hath made me free. Romans 8:2.
e. Where the Spirit is there is liberty. II Corinthians3:17
4. The Spirit as Water which ministers Life and is refreshing. John 4: 13,14.
a. The Types of water in the wilderness journey.
(1) Rephidim - Rock struck - Christ’s Death and Resulting in Life for all : Exodus 17.
(2) Wilderness of Zin - Speak to Rock- The refreshing power of the Holy Spirit: Numbers 20.
(3) Wells of Water - Offering Praise - Numbers 21:16-18.
b. That Rock was Christ. I Corinthians 10:4.
5. The perils of not responding to this presence of the Holy Spirit
a. Christ is filled with freshness. The dew of thy youth. Psalms 110:3
b. Thou hast left thy first love. Revelations 2: 4.
c. The wells clogged by the Philistines - Genesis 26: 17 -22.

C. Communion with God through the Spirit.
1. The Love of God is the atmosphere of communion. Romans 5:5.
2. Communion is simply sharing in His Thoughts.
3. Feelings come from the experience of Communion.
4. No excuse not to enjoy the communion of the Spirit.
5. Keep yourselves in the Love of God. Jude 21.

D. The Anointing of the Holy Spirit.
1. Messiah or Christ means “The Anointed One.”
a. Aaron the High Priest was anointed: Exodus 24:7.
b. The Tabernacle was anointed: Exodus 40:9.
c. King David is anointed: I Samuel 16:13.
d. Elisha the Prophet is anointed: I Kings 19:16.
e. Jesus is anointed by the Spirit: Acts 10:38.
f. Established and Anointed in Christ: I Corinthians 1:21.
g. Ye have an Unction from the Holy One. I John 2:20, 27.
2. Anointment and its other meanings
a. For Christ, it is an office with power - Priest and King.
b. For the believer, it is the belonging to God and the qualification to live here in separation from evil.
c. Oil brings Honour, Joy and Adornment with it. Psalms 23:5, Ezekiel 16:9, Isaiah 61:3.

E. Prayer
1. Prayer never made to the Holy Spirit - The Spirit is here, He is in us, He forms and guides our prayers, therefore we do not address Him in our prayers.
2. Intercession for us:
a. The Spirit makes intercession for us. Romans 8:26,27.
b. Christ makes intercession for us above. Hebrews 7:25.
c. Gifts Given from Above ; Ephesians 4: 8.
d. Gifts Administered by the Spirit: I Corinthians 12:11
3. Stability in prayer in the Spirit: Jude 20,21.
4. Help in Conflict: Ephesians 6: 17, 18.

F. Walk in the Spirit: Romans 8: 5.
1. Mortify the deeds of the body. Romans 8:13.
2. The Spirit is life, because of righteousness. Romans 8:10.
3. We are children of God. Romans 8:16.
4. The Spirit Life does not obliterate the Flesh. Colossians 2: 20.
a. We cannot improve a crucified flesh. Galatians 5:24
b. We must abstain from fleshly lusts. I Peter 2:11.
c. Grieve not the Holy Spirit: Ephesians 4: 30
5. Walk in the Spirit. Galatians 5: 16 -25.
a. Flesh lusteth against the Spirit. (vs 17)
b. Led by Spirit - Not under the Law. (vs 18)
c. Works of the Flesh. (vs 19,20,21)
d. Fruits of the Spirit. (vs 22,23)
e. Crucified the flesh and Live in the Spirit (vs 24).
6. Let the positive things of Christ fill the heart.
7. Let the word of Christ dwell in us richly. Colossians 3:16.
8. There is no definite experience through which we pass into enlarged liberty.
9. There is deliverance by the law of the Spirit of life in Christ.
10. “Holiness”, “Baptism of the Holy Spirit”, “Second Blessing”, “Higher Life”, “Perfect Love”, “A Spirit Filled Life” are often used to describe some higher plane of spirituality obtained through the surrender of self a. Leads to subtle pride in personal holiness.
b. Tends to divide God’s people.
c. There are various stages of maturity in Christian Life - Fathers, Young Men, Children - I John2 :13-17.
d. It is the crucified self that the Spirit of God can fill and use. Romans 12:1,2.
e. God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross. Galatians 6:14. 11. We pass dry-shod out of Egypt (Bondage to sin) into Canaan (Liberty of the Spirit).
12. For me to Live is Christ - Philippians 1:21
13. Continual growth - Philippians 3: 12 -14

IV. The HOLY SPIRIT In The Church (Assembly)
A. What is the Assembly?
1. The Body of Christ who is the Head - Ephesians 1 : 22, 23.
2. We are members of the body of Christ - I Corinthians 12 : 12.
3. The Mystery of Christ revealed - Ephesians 3 : 4 - 9

B. How is the Assembly formed?
1. Gentile was not allowed to eat the Passover - Exodus 12 : 43 -49.
2. Gentiles are made nigh by the blood of Christ - Ephesians 2 : 13-17.
a. One New Man - 2 Corinthians 5 : 17.
b. In One Body - The unity of the assembly. Ephesians 2 :16.

C. The House of God - Ephesians 2 : 20-22.

D. The Bride of Christ - Ephesians 5 : 25-27, 28-32.

E. What the Assembly is not!
1. Israel - Some scriptures used to claim Israel and Church are one.
a. Acts 15 : 16,17. - God has a purpose for the Gentiles.
b. Romans 6 : 16 - 24. - Branches grafted in are individuals.
2. The Destiny of Israel - Isaiah 2 : 2-4.
3. The Destiny of the Assembly - Revelations 21: 9-11, 22, 23.

F. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
1. What is water baptism?
a. Brings us out of one place and into another.
(1) From Egypt unto Moses - I Corinthians 10 : 2.
(2) Repent for the King - John’s Baptism. John 4 : 1
(3) Confession of Faith - Acts 19 : 1-6.
(4) Badge of discipleship - Acts 2 : 41.
2. Brings us into the One Body - I Corinthians 12 : 13.
3. We are joined to the Assembly - I Corinthians 6 : 17.
4. There is no time lapse between salvation and receiving the Spirit.
a. Added Daily - Acts 2:47.
b. Cornelius’ testimony - Acts 11:15, 16.
5. Into One Body - Ephesians 4: 4.
a. Unity of the Spirit and the Body - I Corinthians 12:13.
b. The Diversity of its members - I Corinthians 12: 4-11.
c. The Mutual Dependence - I Corinthians 12: 14 -27.
6. Membership in the One Body
a. We are Members of His Body. Ephesians 5: 30.
b. We are Members of one another. Romans 12: 5.
c. We are Members in particular. I Corinthians 12: 27.
7. Unity of the Spirit - Ephesians 4: 3.
a. Practical Unity of the Spirit
(1) Believe in the Truth of the One body.
(2) Allow the Acting on Divine Principles.
(3) Is Christ divided? I Corinthians 1: 9-15.
(4) Obedience to the Word of GOD.

G. Gifts of the Spirit - I Corinthians 12: 4- 11.
1. Includes Miraculous or Sign gifts - I Corinthians 14.
2. Gifts for Gathering in and Edification - Ephesians 4: 8-16.
3. The foundation laid by apostles and prophets - Ephesians 2 :20.
4. Members perform gifts as received. Romans 12: 6- 8.
5. Minister the gifts as good stewards. - I Peter 4:10 - 11.
6. Woe is me if I do not preach the gospel - I Corinthians 9:16.
7. Ordination is not associated with the Gifts of the Spirit.
a. Ordination applied only to rule. Titus 1:3 , I Timothy 3.
b. All things done decently and in order. I Corinthians 14: 40.

H. Worship of the Church
1. Place of Worship - In the Holiest. Hebrews 10 : 19 - 22.
2. Power for Worship - The Spirit - John 4: 24, Philippians 3: 3.
3. Manner of Worship - We are all Priests - I Corinthians 14: 26.
4. Material for Worship - The cup and bread - I Corinthians 10:16,17.
5. Time for Worship - Upon the First Day of the Week. Acts 20 : 7.

1. The Promise for Power in the Gift of the Holy Spirit.
a. Behold I send the promise of my Father - Luke 24:49.
b. Ye Shall receive power - Acts 1:8.
2. The Filling with the Spirit for Power
a. The Fulfilled Promise
(1) The Healing of the Lame Man - Acts 3:12, 4:7.
(2) Stephen, Full of Power and Faith - Acts 6:5,8,10.
b. The Filling for Service.
(1) John the Baptist - Luke 1:15.
(2) Jesus - Luke 4:1, Acts 10:38.
(3) Stephen -
(a) Service to the Poor - Acts 6 : 3, 8.
(b) Martyrdom. - Acts 8 : 55. (4) Barnabas - Acts 11:24.
c. The Filling for Joy and Praise.
(1) Elizabeth - Luke 1 : 41.
(2) Zacharias - Luke 1 : 67.
(3) Disciples expelled from Antioch - Acts 13: 52.
(4) Singing and Making Melody - Ephesians 5 : 18, 19.
d. The Boldness for Confession and Testimony.
(1) The Speaking in Tongues - Acts 2 : 4.
(2) Peter’s Bold Confession - Acts 4 : 8 - 10.
(3) Forbidden, Yet Speaking - Acts 4 : 19, 20, 31.
(4) Paul’s Boldness - Acts 13 : 9, 9 :17, 14 : 3.
(5) Paul’s Humility - Ephesians 6 : 18-20, Philippians 1 :20.
3. The Manner of the Spirit’s Working.
a. Water as a type or simile.
(1) New Birth by Water - John 3 : 3, 5.
(2) Everlasting Life as a Well Springing up - John 4: 14.
(3) Spirit as Rivers of Living Water - John 7 : 38, 39.
b. Absence of all effort - Effort needed to Quench the Spirit - I Thessalonians 5 : 19.
c. Filled with the Spirit.
(1) God is Omnipresent (Fills Everywhere)
(2) Jesus fills all things – Ephesians 4 :10.
(3) “Spirit Filled” means that He has complete, entire control of our whole being.
(4) The Spirit is dwelling in us, not just visiting.
4. The Conditions upon which we are to enjoy the power of the Spirit.
a. The exceeding greatness of His Power - Ephesians 1 :19, 20.
b. The vessel which displays His Power - 2 Corinthians 4 : 17.
c. I count all thing but loss - Philippians 3 : 4 - 8.
d. Lest I be exalted - 2 Corinthians 12 : 7.
e. The Power that worketh in us. Ephesians 3 : 20, 21.
5. The Guidance of the Holy Spirit.
a. Paul and Barnabas called out. Acts 13 :2.
b. The Spirit hindering - Acts 16: 6 , 7.
c. Sons of God led by His Spirit. Romans 8 : 14.
d. He that is spiritual, discerneth all things. - I Corinthians 2 : 15.
6. All Ministry is by the Power of the Spirit.
a. All education is secondary to the preparation by the Spirit
b. Every true minister will seek to know more of the Word.
c. Study and Practice (Exercise) results in Growth.
d. Must be a broken vessel for the Spirit to use us.
e. Readiness to be soul winners shows the Spirit of Christ in us.

A. INSPIRATION - The divine authorship of the Word.
1. All Scripture is divinely inspired. 2 Timothy 3:16.
2. It is profitable to man. 2 Timothy 3: 17.
3. Holy men spake as they were moved by the Spirit. 2 Peter 1:20,21.
4. God spake by the prophets Hebrews 1:1,2.
5. Today, if ye will hear His voice... Hebrews 3:7 (Psalms 95: 7-11).
6. The Holy Ghost this signifying.... Hebrews 9:8.
7. The Spirit speaketh expressly.... 1 Timothy 4:1.
a. That day shall not come unless there come a falling away first:-2 Thessalonians 2: 3.
b. Knowing this first... that mockers shall come: 2 Peter 3 : 3.
c. Antichrist shall come: 1 John 2 :18,19.
8. We have received...the Spirit, ..., communicating Spiritual things with Spiritual means. I Corinthians2 :12,13.

B. INSPIRATION - The perfection of the Word.
1. The Scripture cannot be broken: John 10 : 35 (Psalms 82:6).
2. One jot or one tittle will not pass from the law; Matthew 5:18.
3. That the scripture might be fulfilled . John 19: 28.
a. I thirst: verse 28.(Psalms 69,21)
b. A bone of him shall not be broken: verse36 (Psalms 34:20).
c. They shall look on Him who they pierced: verse 37
d. See also Psalms 22:16, Zechariah 13: 10, Revelations 1 :7.
4. An allegory to show the working of the Spirit: Galatians 4: 22-31.
a. All these things happened for types: I Corinthians 10:11.
b. Hebrews 7: Melchisedec.
c. Romans 4: Abraham
d. Seeds not seed: Galatians 3 :16.
5. Falsehoods quoted in the Bible
a. Ye shall not surely die: (Satan) Genesis 3 : 4.
b. What Satan said during the temptation of Christ: Luke 4:1-14.
6. Quotations of enemies of God. Pharoah, Goliath.
a. Who is the Lord that I should obey his voice: Exodus 5:2.
b. I defy the armies of Israel this day: I Samuel 17:10.
7. The philosophies of Man - Job’s friends, Ecclesiastes- Solomon
8. The challenges of Man today - Textual Criticism.

The Word’s unfolding to our understanding.
1. What purpose is the Word given? a. God’s Promise to us:
(1) Abraham was justified : Genesis 15: 5, 6.
(2) So are they who believe on Jesus: Romans 4: 23 - 25.
(3) Ruth received Handfuls of Purpose: Ruth 2: 16.
b. Our Learning of God’s ways:
(1) Whatsoever things that were written aforetime, were written for our learning ... that we might have hope: Romans 15 :4. (2) They are written for our admonition: 1 Corinthians 10:11.
(3) As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: Revelations 3 :19.
2. The Bible written with a divinely perfect purpose with a divinely perfect skill in unfolding that purpose. a. It is a history of things as they are.
b. It is absolutely truthful
c. Biographies present both the good and bad of the character
(1) Abraham’s faith and Ishmael
(2) Moses’s leadership and chastening.
(3) David as a man after God’s own heart and Bathsheba.
(4) The nation of Israel in its unbelief, self-will and apostasy all show God’s nature. Psalms 95:10.
d. Written by many people in many generations.
(1) They tell of their own sin - Moses
(2) The prophets weep for Israel’s sin but they don’t hide it.
e. God’s thoughts are not to glorify man, but to unfold His thoughts and counsel regarding man in the condition where he is found.
f. His Omnipotence must deal with sin thru the ages.
(1) Sin entered, but only the garden is removed.
(2) Man continues in Sin (murder) but the flood stops this.
(3) Noah is given to establish government in Man’s hands.
(4) The confusion of tongues and scattering of the nations.
(5) He establishes a chosen nation in Abraham
(6) They depart from the Lord - Lo-Ammi. Not my people.
(7) The Redeemer is sent and rejected on the cross.
(8) Man’s actions prove that he is a guilty, helpless sinner.
(9) The scripture has concluded all are under sin: Galatians 3:22
g. But His grace calls us to salvation.
(1) He cover’s man’s nakedness with the skins of animals.
(2) Abel’s sacrifice.
(3) Noah’s Ark,
(4) The Passover Lamb.
(5) The deliverance at the Red Sea.
(6) The blood of the sacrifice.
h. Types of Christ:
(1) Moses, The deliverer.
(2) Aaron, the High Priest.
(3) David, the righteous King.
i. Dispensational ways of God.
(1) That he might head up in Christ, all things: Ephesians 1:10.
(2) Glimpses given from the beginning of what the full purpose of God is.
(1) j. The structure of organization, Moses and the prophets, History, the Gospels and teachings of the Church.
k. Never a contradiction that is not explained in the text.
l. The loose quotation in the New Testament of the Old Testament is for a purpose. Compare Psalms 40:6 with Hebrews 10 :5. They didn’t hear in Psalms, but the body was revealed in the New Testament.
m. It is complete : Colossians 1 : 25.

D. The word of God contains features that bring out the human side.
1. All the writers were holy men: 2 Peter1: 20, 21.
2. The bible settings are natural and real.
3. The Writing is simple and direct,
4. There is no diversion to speak of human invention or science.
5. There is no contradiction with natural science.
6. It is a moral book dealing with moral questions.
7. The expression of the writer is capable of intense feeling.
a. Tears of Jeremiah
b. Indignation of Isaiah
c. Sarcasm of Elijah or Malachi.
d. Paul in the sanctuary.
e. Daniel and his prayers.
8. The writers sought for the meaning of their writings: 1 Peter 1:10.
a. The writers were instruments of the Spirit of God.
(1) Moses who learned the wisdom of Egypt.
(2) David the Royal Shepherd and Psalmist.
(3) Isaiah the poet
(4) Amos almost uncouth in his bluntness.
(5) Peter the fisherman
(6) Paul the scribe.
(7) Matthew the taxcollector (1)
(8) Luke the physician.
9. David and other prophets spoke and wrote by the spirit.
a. The spirit by David spoke of Judas: Acts1:16.
b. David knew that Jesus would be a descendent. Acts 2:30,31.
c. David spake by the Holy Spirit: Mark 12: 36, 37.
d. David said “The Spirit of the Lord spake by me: 2 Samuel 23:2.
e. “As he spoke by the mouth of His holy Prophets:” Luke 1:70.
f. The psalm writer writes in perfect naturalness:
(1) Sighing of a prisoner.
(2) Sad confession of sin.
(3) Pleading for mercy.
(4) Humble gratitude for all blessings.
(5) Happy outbursts of praise for deliverance.
(6) Joyful acclaim with nature.
10. The Bible is the wonder of the world, the comfort of saints, and unfolds the mind of God.
11. The Bible touches us in every point of our experience and pictures us as a poor sinner and as met by the Saviour just as we are.

E. Enlightenment of the Spirit in the use of Scripture.
1. The Natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit. 1 Corinthians 2: 9, 10, 14.
a. Language may clarify the verbiage.
b. Knowledge may help set the scene.
c. The Church may claim to have the key to Scripture,
d. Rationalism may confuse the understanding.
2. The God given teacher is the Spirit.
a. Jesus expounded the scriptures to the two on the road to Emmaus so they might understand His resurrection. Luke 24: 25 -32.
b. Jesus opened their understanding: Luke 24, 45, 49.
c. He sent another Comforter: John 14:16-18.
d. Peter’s discourse in Acts shows the illuminating of Old Testament Scripture.
e. The Lord’s parables are not all explained.
3. Spiritual Discernment is the result of Spiritual Enlightenment. The truth of God is revealed by the Spirit, communicated by the Spirit, and received in the power of the Holy Spirit.
4. Rightly dividing the word of truth will allow us to separate the blessings for the heavenly bride (The Church) and the earthly people (Israel).

F. Prophesy
1. The special application by the Spirit of God of truth suited to the special needs of the saints.
a. Ye may all prophesy ... that all may learn and all may be comforted: I Corinthians 14:4.
b. He that prophesieth speaketh unto men for edification and exhortation and comfort. I Corinthians 14, 31.
c. Abraham and Hagar is a revealing of God’s thoughts regarding the two covenants and the futility of nature’s efforts to fulfill the law and God’s grace in deliverance.
2. The ministry in the power of the Spirit is distinct from inspirations a. Paul’s judgment concerning virgins: I Corinthians 7:6, 25, 40.
(1) God’s commandment concerning marriage Vs 10.
(2) “But to the rest speak I, not the Lord. Vs. 12.
3. The Holy Spirit speaks to us in private in our own reading of the scripture.
a. Feet washing: John 13.
b. Weapons of offence in Spiritual conflict. Ephesians 6.
c. All Scripture is profitable: 2 Timothy 3:17.
d. If any man love me, he will keep my word: John 14:23.

VII. The Holy Spirit and Christ
A. Introduction
1. He shall glorify me
2. The Scriptures have Christ as their theme.
3. It is the delight of the Spirit to reveal the pre-eminence of Him who emptied Himself.
B. Review
1. The Holy Spirit in the Dispensations
a. Before Christ – Preparation for Christ.
b. The Present Age – Realize the fullness in Him.
c. The Millennium – Manifested King over all the earth.
2. The Holy Spirit in Salvation
a. Conviction of Sin – world rejected Christ
b. New Birth – faith in Christ.
c. Sealing – record of God’s appreciation for those who believed.
3. The Holy Spirit in Sanctification.
a. The Spirit is the representative of our absent Lord.
b. The Spirit dwells in us. We are his abode.
c. He leads our hearts to share thoughts of Christ.
d. He sets us apart to a walk, which pleases God.
4. The Holy Spirit in the Church
a. The Spirit gives the Headship to Christ.
b. Baptism of the Spirit put us into the body.
c. Unity of the Spirit makes the Unity of the Body practical.
d. The gifts of the Spirit are from Christ in glory.
e. Worship is exclusively to the Father and the Son.
5. The Holy Spirit in Power
a. The spirit is the Power of Christ risen and ascended.
6. The Holy Spirit in the Scripture
a. The scriptures have Christ as their theme.
b. The enlightenment and the application to heart and conscience is to glorify Christ.
c. The total purpose is to magnify Him in our eyes, in order that our lives might be conformed to Him and the praise of heaven be anticipated or expected.

C. The Spirit and Christ before his incarnation (coming to earth).
1. Quickened by the Spirit. I Peter 3:18 – 20.
a. Christ’s presence in the days of Noah was by the Spirit .
b. Man rejected Noah’s words are now in prison (condemned).
c. Man rejected Christ who was made alive by the Spirit.
d. Man will reject Christ when we speak by the Spirit.
e. We are to be his examples to man today.
2. The Sufferings and future glory of Christ were revealed.
a. My God, My God, Why hast thou forsaken me? Psalms 22:1
b. Preserve me, O God, for in thee do I trust… Psalms 16:
c. Psalms 40 – The Burnt Offering.
d. Psalms 69 – The Trespass Offering.
e. Psalms 109 – His suffering at man’s hand.
f. Messianic Psalms where he is subject (2,8,45,110).

D. The Spirit in the Incarnation of Christ.
1. The message to Mary – Luke1 : 35 (Matthew 1 : 20). The Spirit came upon Mary in the power of God so that Christ could be born.
2. Christ entered public life through the baptism as a Priest.
a. His Baptism set him apart to God.
b. His Anointing symbolized by the dove descending.
(1) The dove was a sacrifice for the poorest of man.
(2) The dove symbolizes love - This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.
(3) The dove symbolizes sorrow over man’s sin.
c. Priestly Service:
(1) Lo, I Come to do thy will, O God. Luke 3:21,22.
(2) Peter told to serve all men. Acts 10:28.
(3) Meal Offering is cakes of fine flour mingled and anointed with Oil ( Leviticus 2:5).
3. Miracles performed by the power of the Holy Spirit.
a. Cast out Devils – Matt 12:28.
b. Cleansing of the Lepers – Healing of the blind, dumb and deaf.
4. The Spirit was with Him in His death and resurrection.
5. The Spirit gives special instructions and commands to the disciples after His resurrection and ascension.

E. The Spirit in our present Dispensation
1. Peter’s sermon presented Christ Acts 2:
2. Stephen see Christ Standing in Glory
3. The Spirit is like the Candlestick filled with oil that lights the tabernacle. Numbers 8: 1-4.
4. The Candlestick tells of the glory of the risen and ascended Christ.
5. We see the glory of Christ by the Spirit of the Lord and are changed into His glorious image: II Corinthians 3 : 18.
6. The manna is presented with the morning dew. It is the Sprit that makes Christ our food. Exodus 16 : 13.14.21.
7. No man can say that Jesus is Lord, but by the Holy Ghost. I Corinthians 12 : 3.
8. As Lord, Jesus claims through the Holy Spirit, our absolute, implicit, unwavering obedience. I Peter 1 : 2.

F. The Spirit’s presence in the anticipation of the coming of Christ
1. We, through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith; Galatians 5 : 5.
2. The Hope that maketh not ashamed, because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Spirit. Romans 5 : 4,5.
3. The Spirit and the Bride say come: Revelations 22 : 17.
4. The Bride’s desire is to be with the Lord, as Rebekah’s desire is to be with Isaac. Every action was directed to pleasing Isaac. The Servant of Abraham is like God’s Spirit who selects the bride. Genesis 24.
5. Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it. Ephesians 5 : 25-27.

G. The Spirit’s work is ended with the coming of Christ. The Lord Himself: To behold Him, To be like Him, to be with Him. Even so, come Lord Jesus.

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